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How Social Media Marketing Drives Customer Loyalty

Social media channels are one of the most effective tools for increasing customer loyalty and engagement. Nowadays, brand loyalty steps back to the low cost alternatives. Here comes social media, helping brands to connect with customer directly and collect valuable customer feedback.

Direct conversations often give birth to new ideas and customer insights for more relevant product and service offerings.

Many of the world’s leading brands use social media to provide customers with exceptional experience and build branded communities to stimulate their own conversations.

But how does social media reshapes customer experience and engagement?

Nowadays, the majority of loyalty schemes have adopted either a social media or mobile component as part of their strategy in order to correspond to changing customer needs. Contemporary consumers have an increasing desire to be recognized, to share their opinions and be part of a group, bringing a whole new dimension for loyalty marketers.

There are a couple of ways in which social media can be used to drive customer loyalty and engagement.

First of all, brands can utilize social media to provide valuable customer information and added value. If you provide high quality information and useful tips and tricks, customers will be more keen on engaging with the brand and it will help to stay on top of their mind.

Besides from this, you can educate customers about your products and services by offering various resources to assist customers in the buying process and increase their retention.

And most importantly, you can provide exceptional customer service and real-time communication. One of the key factors for customer satisfaction is timely responses to customer questions and concerns. By using social media, brands can easily respond to customer queries, create better experiences and build better brand loyalists.
